The land boundaries are run out by courses and distances, and monuments, natural or artificial, are fixed at the corners, or angles. Where are metes and bounds?Ī principal legal type of land description in the United States, metes-and-bounds descriptions are commonly used wherever survey areas are irregular in size and shape. It is one of the oldest methods of describing land. It details all the boundary lines of a parcel of land together with their terminal points and angles. Metes and bounds is a method of land description used by land surveyors. What was the metes and bounds system used to describe quizlet? Metes are measurements of distance such as inches, feet, yards, and miles. Natural monuments and artificial monuments can both be used as metes and bounds. Metes and Bounds landmarks are often used in a legal description of a land. Metes and bounds are the boundaries of a parcel of real estate that identified by its natural landmarks. For example, each township is six square miles, or 23,040 acres, and contains 36 square sections, which are each intended to be one square mile (or 640 acres). The legal description pinpoints the location of a given property within its particular township, range, and section. What is a legal description of property example? 4) Should not contain words capable of alternate interpretations. 2) Should not interfere with the senior rights of others 3) Should be so written that either at the present or at a future date, a competent surveyor can readily locate it. It is desirable that a land description: 1) Should contain title identity. How do you write a legal description of a property? Next, it identifies the POB and describes the distance and direction from the POB to the first monument, and then to subsequent monuments that define the property’s enclosed perimeter. Examples of metes and bounds landmarks include rivers, roads, stakes, or other such natural or manmade markers What are the key components of a metes and bounds legal description?Ī metes and bounds description begins with an identification of the city, county, and state where the property is located.

Metes and bounds are the limits or boundaries of a piece of property as identified by its natural landmarks. What is an example of a metes and bounds description? A method of land description which involves identifying distances and directions and makes use of both the physical boundaries and measurements of the land What terms are included in every metes and bounds legal description quizlet?Ī metes and bounds description starts at a well-marked point of beginning (POB) and establishes the boundaries of the parcel by courses and metes (length in inches, feet, yards, miles) and bounds (directions based on landmarks, monuments, angles) and returns to the true point of beginning. Metes and bounds, Rectangular Survey System, Plat of Survey Method.